О нас
Для кого
Почему мы
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Day 1:
1. Introduction to the profession

2. Hair chemistry

2.1 Hair structure
2.2 Ties in hair
2.3 The structure of the hair on the head: vital cycle and growth

3. Hot treatments: botox, keratin hair straightening, nanoplasty

3.1 Features and differences in procedures

4. Diagnostics of hair and correct selection composition

5. Post-procedural recommendations to the client

5.1 Types of scalp
5.2 Selection of shampoo for home care
5.3 Conditioning agents. Need or a myth?

6. Keeping Instagram

6.1 Profile header, your name, avatar, highlights
6.2 Visuals, texts
6.3 Promotion. Promotion methods

7. Stories as a tool for engagement and sales

8. Sales by correspondence
School technologist — Evgeniya Shevchenko
Group training:
Group training:
Price in your country's currency
Cost — 7000₽
Training format:
Online training
Training in the studio
From 10:00 to 20:00
Duration: 1 day
School technologist — Evgeniya Shevchenko
Price in your country's currency
Cost — 10000₽
Training format:
Online training
Training in the studio
From 10:00 to 20:00
Duration: 2 days
Day 2:
1. Author's technique of performing procedures for hair reconstruction:

1.1 Keratin straightening and botox;
1.2 Hair nanoplasty;
1.3 Botox concentrate in warm technique;
1.4 Botox concentrate in cold technology;

2. Service and communication between the master and the client:

2.1 How to communicate with a client from the moment he went into the salon and until the moment when he left it came out;
2.2 Top mistakes when communicating with a client.
Affordable and understandable hair chemistry: hair structure, hair bonds;

Diagnostics and degree of damage. Choice procedures based on the degree of damage;

What is keratin straightening, Nanoplasty, Botox. The main differences;

Step-by-step technology for performing nanoplastics
and keratin straightening and techniques performing the botox procedure;

The whole truth about nanoplastics, why is it so the masters are afraid; what hair is it suitable for, and why this procedure is prohibited on a damaged blond;

Hand positioning;

Selection of t mode for ironing for all types hair;

The secret of the perfect canvas technique;

Working out on models of all types of procedures;

Analysis of the main mistakes of beginners;

Post-procedural recommendations to clients home care.
Training format:
Online training
Training in the studio
Price in your country's currency
Select the number of destinations:
1 direction — 5000₽
Price in your country's currency
2 directions — 9500₽
Price in your country's currency
3 directions — 13500₽
Price in your country's currency
4 directions — 16000₽
In individual training, you can choose number of directions. After you decided how many directions you want explore, select the desired item below:
School technologist — Evgeniya Shevchenko
From 10:00 to 20:00
Duration: 1 day
1. Introduction to the profession "master
for hair reconstruction" Theory
Accessible and understandable hair chemistry: structure hair, hair ties;

Diagnostics and degree of damage. Choice procedures based on the degree of damage;

What is keratin straightening, nanoplasty, botox. The main differences;

Phased execution technology nanoplastics and keratin straightening and techniques for performing the Botox procedure;

Selection of tools for execution procedures;

The main contraindications for performing procedures;

Post-procedural recommendations to clients home care;
2. Practice and more practice
Working out on models of all types of procedures;

Hand positioning;

Author's technique of performing procedures Lena Rafe House;

Selection of t mode of ironing for all types hair;

The secret of the perfect canvas technique;

Analysis of the main mistakes of beginners;

First Portfolio to Introduce Page Instagram;

1. Terminology that everyone should know technologist:

Amino acids, primary / secondary / tertiary protein structure;

Hydrolysis / denaturation;

Hair biochemistry;

Hair structure;

Hair structure, bonds in hair

2. Hot techniques of procedures for chemical straightening:

Chemical processes that happens to hair during procedures;

Botox, keratin straightening and hair nanoplasty. Their features and differences;

Distinctive features of nanoplastics;

The degree of hair damage;

Ingredient analysis of the composition and competentselection of the composition for each case;

Secrets of the author's execution technique procedures for the formation of the perfect canvas;

Alignment techniques;

Substrates. Classification;

Work on bugs
Individual training
Training format:
Online training
Training in the studio
From 10:00 to 20:00
Duration: 1 day
Price in your country's currency
Cost — 15000₽
School technologists — Evgeniya Shevchenko
School technologists — Evgeniya Shevchenko
Price in your country's currency
Cost of 4 directions — 13000₽
Training format:
Online training
Training in the studio
From 10:00 to 20:00
Duration: 1 day
Individual training:
Biochemistry of hair. Affordable and understandable chemistry hair: the structure of the hair, the bonds
in the hair;

Diagnostics and degree of damage. Choice procedures based on the degree of damage;

What is keratin straightening, nanoplasty, botox. The main differences;

Selection of tools for performing procedures;

The main contraindications for performing procedures;

Consultation of social clients. networks and personal meetings. What are the main differences?

Post-procedural recommendations to clients home care;

Selection of shampoo and conditioning agents;

Working out on models of all types of procedures;

Selection of t ironing mode for all hair types;

The secret of the Perfect Canvas technique;

Analysis of the main mistakes of beginners.

How to competently communicate with the client from the moment he went into the salon and until the moment when he goes out;

Сommunication with the client;

Gross mistakes when communicating with clients during consultations;

Additional sales of services and home care.
Before / after videos
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Dom Keratina Reyf