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Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.

1. General conditions

1.1. This Policy defines the procedure for processing and protecting individual entrepreneurs
Mitreykin Anton Vladimirovich TIN 861503414105 (hereinafter - IP) and his partners (hereinafter
- Partners) information about individuals (hereinafter referred to as the User), which can be obtained
by an individual entrepreneur upon purchase User of services / goods, non-exclusive license,
provided, including through the site, services, services, programs, used by individual entrepreneurs
and / or Partners (hereinafter referred to as the Site, Services).
1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to provide adequate protection personal information that the User
provides about himself independently when using the Site, Services or in the process registration
(creating an account) to purchase goods / services, non-exclusive license from unauthorized access
and disclosure.
1.3. Relationships associated with the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information
provided by the User are governed by this Policy, other official documents of the individual entrepreneur
and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.4. By registering on the Site and using the Site and Services the User expresses its full agreement with
the terms of this Policy.
1.5. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Policy use of the Site and / or any Services available when
using The site must be terminated immediately.
1.6. In case of disagreement of the User in receiving information from the SP and / or Partners, the User can
unsubscribe from the mailing list: by sending a notification to e-mail info@lena-reyf.ru.
Upon receipt of notifications by e-mail info@lena-reyf.ru or when calling in special software to record
actions for the corresponding User, an appeal is created based on the information received from the User.
The appeal is being processed maximum within 24 hours. As a result, information about the User is not
included in the segment of mailings for the corresponding region.

2. Purpose of collection, processing and storage of information provided
Website users

2.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian
Federation. SP processes the User's personal data in order to: - identify the party within the agreements and
contracts concluded with individual entrepreneurs and / or Partners; - providing User of goods / services,
non-exclusive license, access to the Site, Services; - communication with the User, sending transactional
letters at the time of receipt of an application for registration on the Site or receipt payment from the User,
one-time, if the User performs these actions, sending notifications, requests to the User; - sending to the User
messages of an advertising and / or informational nature; - checks, research and analysis of such data, allowing
to maintain and improve services and sections of the Site, as well as develop new services and sections Site; -
conducting statistical and other research, based on anonymized data; - processing of the above personal data
can be carried out through mixed processing of personal data, and may include collection, systematization,
accumulation, storage, clarification, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data; - personal data can
be transferred to third parties using public networks and international information exchange, with use of cross-
border data transmission on the territory of foreign states, including if these countries do not provide adequate
protection of the rights of subjects of personal data in order to obtain By the user of goods / services, as well as to
achieve other goals. Personal data can be processed during the entire limitation period, stipulated by the
legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to the Agreement concluded by the User with the SP and /
or the Partners.

3. Conditions for processing personal information provided
«y the User and its transfer to third parties

3.1. SP takes all necessary measures to protect personal data User from unauthorized access, modification,
disclosure or destruction.
3.2. SP provides access to the User's personal data only those employees, contractors and partners who
need this information to ensure the functioning of the Site, Services and the provision of Services, sale goods,
obtaining a non-exclusive license by the User.
3.3. SP has the right to use the information provided by the User, including including personal data, in order
to ensure compliance with the requirements the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including for
the purposes of prevention and / or suppression of illegal and / or illegal actionsUsers). Disclosure of information
provided by the User may be produced only in accordance with applicable law The Russian Federation at the
request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the
Russian Federation.
3.4. SP does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User and proceeds from the fact that
the User, in good faith, provides reliable and sufficient information, takes care of the timeliness of entering
changes to the previously provided information when such a need arises, including but not limited to changing
your phone number.

4. Terms of use of the Site, Services

4.1. When using the Site, the user confirms that: - possesses all necessary rights allowing him to register
(create account) and use the Site Services; - indicates reliable information about yourself in the volumes
necessary to use the Site Services, mandatory for filling fields for the further provision of the Site Services are
marked in a special way, all other information is provided by the user at his sole discretion. realizes that the
information on the Site posted by the User about himself may become available to third parties not specified
in this Policy and may be copied and distributed by them; - familiar with this Policy, expresses his consent with
it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it. Familiarization with the terms of this Policy and putting
a tick under the link to this Policy is the written consent of the User to collect, store, process and transfer to
third parties of personal data provided by the User.
4.2. SP does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about Users, except in cases
where such verification is necessary in order to fulfillment of obligations to the User.

5. Within the framework of this Policy, under the "personal information of the User"
are understood:

5.1. Data provided by the User independently when using Site, Services including but not limited to: Surname,
name, patronymic; Surname, name in Latin transcription, as indicated in the foreign passport; Year, month
and the number of birth; Place of Birth; Floor; Information about the general civil passport Russian Federation:
Series and number of the all-Russian passport; date of issue; name of the authority that issued the passport;
validity period of the all-Russian passport or birth certificates; Registration address; E-mail address; Home
and contact (mobile) phones; Citizenship at birth and at present; Family status; Education and degree data;
Employer data and work: name, address and telephone number of the employer; current position; the amount
of wages; data on height, weight and health status.
5.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the Services in the course of their use using the software
installed on the User's device, including IP address, cookie information, information about the user's browser
(or another program through which the Services are accessed), access time, the address of the requested page.
5.3 Other information about the User, the collection and / or provision of which is determined in the Regulatory
documents of individual IP Services.

6. Change and deletion of personal data

6.1. The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the provided personal information or part of it,
as well as its confidentiality parameters, using the function of editing personal data in the section, or in the
personal section of the corresponding Service. The user is obliged to take care of the timeliness of making
changes to the previously provided information, its updating, otherwise, the individual entrepreneur is not
responsible for non-receipt of notifications, goods / services etc.
6.2. The user can also delete the provided by him within a certain account personal information. In this case,
deleting an account may entail inability to use some of the Services.

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable law

7.1. The SP has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When making changes in the current edition,
the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is
posted, unless otherwise provided for by the new edition of the Policy. The current edition is always on page
at http://lena-reyf.ru/privacy.
7.2. To this Policy and the relationship between the User and the individual entrepreneur arising in connection
with the application of the Privacy Policy, is subject to application law of the Russian Federation.

8. Feedback. Questions and suggestions

8.1. Any suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported to IP support service by e-mail
info@lena-reyf.ru or by sending correspondence to the address: Moscow Bolshoi Golovin lane, 3 bldg. 1,
office 14
Date of publication: 01.10.2020
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Dom Keratina Reyf